Tuesday, May 12, 2009



In just a few days we will celebrate Mother’s Day. I am thinking and praying what I shall get my mother, who gave me live, love and laughter. I have been thinking and praying what to get Idalene, who gave me three wonderful children and has been a magnificent mother. Will it be flowers, clothing, jewelry, dinner or a day at a spa? All good choices and maybe a couple of those will work. At this moment, I am not sure. I am a last minute shopper.

As I reflect on the 2 most important women in my live, I give thanks to God for their presence in my life.

For my mother, I am thankful for her wisdom and knowledge; even when I did not want to or failed to realize it. I am thankful for the meals she provided with love. I will always remember the liver and onions dinners. She still calls me for lunch when she is cooking my favorite meal. (I know mom, it is a reminder that I mustn’t be too busy). Thanks for understanding Mom. I am thankful for the teachings and value that you gave me. Because of your teachings, I am where I am today. The list can go on and on and on as to why I am thankful. But, in short, I am thankful for the gift of life.

For Idalene my wife, as I reflect on the years we nurtured and reared our children, I am deeply appreciative of your love and devotion to our children. You sat up on many nights when they were sick, you were a room mother, PTSA president, baker of cookies, reader of bedtime stories, and tutor for math and taxi driver. I remember all the children’s friends calling you mom. They still do today. You are a fantastic mother and I am grateful to God for your wisdom and values that you gave our children.

To Marian and Idalene, my mother and wife, I am thankful for your faith. Over the years you have prayed for me and with me. When life and ministry was excellent you were there. When I faced challenges and storms, you were my calm.

“She girds herself with strength, and strengthens herself daily. She perceives that her provision for her family is good: she does not retire early but works diligently to see to the needs of her family, she is not an idle woman.” Proverbs 31:17, 18, 27

To all mothers near and far, I wish each of you a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.

Pastor William

1 comment:

marybeth said...

william (billy) that was beautiful