Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Yes, I know that we have a few more days before it is officially 2008. I just want to be the first to hope and pray that your 2008 will be filled with God’s Grace and Mercy.

It was terrifying for her. It was late one evening and I was working late at the church. Jenna was with me and we were readying the sanctuary for services the next day. After we finished, we took the short walk—maybe 30 yards from the church to the parsonage. But it was dark…very dark. Jenna grabbed me by the hand, terrified. Scared of the dark and the unknown.

I remember our brief conversation as we crossed the parking lot in the dark. “Jenna, are you scared?” Yes daddy, she replied, as she reached up and grabbed my hand and clasped it as tight she could. After we reached the safety of our home, Jenna quickly shared our adventure. What we did at church and our walk home. She shared of her fear as we walked home and her relief as she felt the comfort of my presence.

As we stand at the threshold of a brand new year, we have only a glimpse of what lies ahead of us. Good health or sickness, gladness or heartache, financial security or financial setbacks? What changes are in store?
What will be the challenges? The uncertainty can be frightening and unsettling, but knowing that God is standing always beside us can give us courage to face the future with peace and hope.

In moments of despair, confusion, fear or doubt, take God’s hand. Remember the promise of His abiding presence. Relax in His power to overcome all the obstacles. Rejoice in His provision for your every need.
Prayer: Lord, as I step into this New Year, help me remember always that You are by my side and that your presence will go with me every step of the way. Give me strength to persevere when trials come my way. Give me grace to forgive when I am hurt and offended. Give me joy to share with others who need someone to walk beside them. Amen.

Partners in our journey,

Pastor William

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