Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Lesson from William, III

A Lesson from William, III

Read: Psalm 107:1-19
They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses -- Psalm 107:19

It was Wednesday, and it was grocery day! It was the day that I stayed at home with our 3 small children while Idalene went to the grocery store. Idalene didn't go to get just a few things we needed! It was her major grocery shopping day.

There were times when we braved that day and all 5 of us went shopping together. But, those days often turned into adventures with all kinds of cereals and highly sugared snacks finding the way into our 2 carts. Why 2 carts? Because all our children wanted to ride. I guess it made it easier for them to access all the items they wanted--especially the cereals with the "free gifts."

Anyway, on this particular Wednesday, I was the stay-at-home dad while Idalene went grocery shopping.

Upon her return from the Winn Dixie store in Lubbock, Texas, she honked the horn, and we all ran out the door to help her bring in 100 sacks of food and other items. Okay, maybe it wasn't a hundred sacks, but it seemed like it.

We all pitched in to do our share. William, III was about 7 years old, Jamise was 6 years old, and Jenna was 3 years old. Each child carried a sack that was appropriate for his or her age and size. Each child wanted to take part in helping us.

All was going well until William, III decided he wanted to carry the sacks filled with canned goods, a gallon of milk and other heavy items. These were the sacks that I usually carried in, but William, III wanted to help me and show off his muscles and impress me.

He reached to pick up an extra heavy sack, and I said, "Sport, I will carry that one. It is real heavy." To which, he replied, "Dad, I can carry it. I have strong muscles," and he proceeded to show me his "strong" muscles.

I consented, giving him the go ahead to carry the heavy sack. I watched him as he stooped over to pick up the sack. He strained. He groaned. He really struggled with it, but he picked up the sack and took a few steps. Then, I could see his little arms begin to struggle, and he could not move. His eyes got bigger, as the sack began to slip from his small but willing arms. With his voice straining, he looked up at me and said, "Dad, this is too heavy, will you help me?"

I reached down to help him with the sack, and I helped him carry the sack into the kitchen. After the sack was securely placed on the counter, he proudly looked at me and said, "Dad, sometimes, I just need a little help!"

What a great story of faith! There are times in our lives when we carry heavy burdens or sacks. Most of the time, we can carry them by ourselves, but often we try our hardest to carry heavy burdens or work out difficult problems with no success.

After having done our best, we wonder why we have met with failure. Lovingly and patiently, our God reminds us that we must learn to depend on Him. We must call upon God for help when the sacks of life get too heavy!

Let's stop struggling to carry the sacks of trouble and difficulty in our lives that far exceed our own strength.

Like the Israelites of old, let's call on the Lord to save us from our distresses. Psalm 107:19

Do you remember this song?

Ask the Savior to help you,
Comfort, strengthen, and keep you;
He is willing to aid you,
He will carry you through.

Peace and Grace

Pastor William

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