Tuesday, August 7, 2007

We Begin our Journey

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.

I am excited to enter the world of blog writing. Though, I am not exactly sure what a "blog" is, I am excited. It is my attempt to enter into the electronic age of mass communications and connecting you and you with each other.
This blog, a "Walk with Pastor William", will include a variety of writings. It will be some serious writings, some opinions, some whimsical writings., reports from the world of Methodism and my thoughts on those reports and what is happening in and around ROCKbrook United Methodist Church. I will share with you what my be happening in my personal life and faith journey.
Occasionally, I will pose a question and you can join an online discussion and Bible study. Your opinion matters and counts.
I look forward to walking together in our faith journies.
Much Peace and Love,
Pastor William

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Williams,
Great to see you moving with technology! I'm excited to see how and where this will all lead as well. I'm looking forward to the online Bible Study as well. I'll keep checking your site and blessings in the endeavor!